Suzanne Flowers
I studied Music and Art while at Blackheath High School, and also had ten years of piano tuition at the Blackheath Conservatoire before attending the Royal Academy of Music in London, where I trained as a pianist and singer.
I then had a long career as a professional soprano, working both as a soloist and with a number of groups (most famously the Monteverdi Choir under Sir John Eliot Gardiner) and travelling extensively, performing in many of the world’s greatest festivals and venues and making many broadcasts and recordings. For the last twenty years before retiring, I then combined my singing and travelling activities with teaching undergraduate choral scholars in various chapel choirs at Cambridge university.
When I took up my art again in the last few years it was almost exactly fifty years since I had last done any painting. Since then I have been studying with David Webb and Victoria Rance at the Blackheath Conservatoire of Art and Music, and have exhibited a variety of work in showcases and exhibitions at home and in France, which have led to several commissions.