Chris Francis

He studied at College of Further Education, Sutton Coldfield (Pre-Diploma) and gained Diploma in Art and Design up graded to BA at College of Art, Stoke-on-Trent (now Staffordshire University).
Subsequent part-time study includes adult education classes at Sir John Cass College and adult education institutes in his home town of Birmingham and the London Boroughs of Tower Hamlets, Greenwich, Lewisham and Bexley.
Residential courses including the Slade Summer School.
Since 2008, he has worked from his home studio and now classifies himself as a full-time artist.
Affordable Art Fair Morley Gallery
Blackheath Art Society Paul McPherson Gallery
Cork Street Gallery Place des Suisse Artes, Lausanne
Crypt Gallery, St Ives River and Rowing Museum
Deptfordx Arts Festival St. Alfege's, Greenwich
Discovery Centre, Greenwich Stark Gallery
Hall Place (Bexley) Strand Galleries
Mall Gallery Well Hall Pleasance
Associated Activities
Articles for A+I, The Artist and Paint; Demonstrations at Art Groups throughout South East and short courses at Earnley Concourse and former sessional tutor Kent Adult Education Service. Ran Masterclasses in life drawing and painting at Waterloo Action Centre, SE1.